
January 25, 2012
Latest sources at github

CaseGen is a small Ruby compiled DSL for generating combinations of variables, optionally restricted by a set of rules.


This input file:

payment: Credit, Check, Online Bank
amount: 100, 1,000, 10,000
shipping: Ground, Air
ship to country: US, Outside US
bill to country: US, Outside US

exclude shipping = Ground AND ship to country = Outside US
Our ground shipper will only ship things within the US.

exclude payment = Check AND bill to country == Outside US
Our bank will not accept checks written from banks outside the US.

exclude payment = Online Bank AND amount == 1,000
exclude payment = Online Bank AND amount == 10,000
While the online bank will process amounts > $1,000, we've experienced
occasional problems with their services and have had to write off some
transactions, so we no longer allow this payment option for amounts greater
than $1,000

exclude ship to country = US AND bill to country = Outside US
If we're shipping to the US, billing party cannot be outside US


produces this output:

payment | amount | shipping | ship to country | bill to country
Credit | 100 | Ground | US | US
Credit | 100 | Air | US | US
Credit | 100 | Air | Outside US | US
Credit | 100 | Air | Outside US | Outside US
Credit | 1,000 | Ground | US | US
Credit | 1,000 | Air | US | US
Credit | 1,000 | Air | Outside US | US
Credit | 1,000 | Air | Outside US | Outside US
Credit | 10,000 | Ground | US | US
Credit | 10,000 | Air | US | US
Credit | 10,000 | Air | Outside US | US
Credit | 10,000 | Air | Outside US | Outside US
Check | 100 | Ground | US | US
Check | 100 | Air | US | US
Check | 100 | Air | Outside US | US
Check | 1,000 | Ground | US | US
Check | 1,000 | Air | US | US
Check | 1,000 | Air | Outside US | US
Check | 10,000 | Ground | US | US
Check | 10,000 | Air | US | US
Check | 10,000 | Air | Outside US | US
Online Bank | 100 | Ground | US | US
Online Bank | 100 | Air | US | US
Online Bank | 100 | Air | Outside US | US
Online Bank | 100 | Air | Outside US | Outside US

exclude shipping = Ground AND ship to country = Outside US
Our ground shipper will only ship things within the US.

exclude payment = Check AND bill to country == Outside US
Our bank will not accept checks written from banks outside the US.

exclude payment = Online Bank AND amount == 1,000

exclude payment = Online Bank AND amount == 10,000
While the online bank will process amounts > $1,000, we've experienced
occasional problems with their services and have had to write off some
transactions, so we no longer allow this payment option for amounts greater
than $1,000

exclude ship to country = US AND bill to country = Outside US
If we're shipping to the US, billing party cannot be outside US

I don't get any output when I try your sample input file?
Make sure there's a newline at the end of your data. In the above example input file, make sure the last line is ā€-------\nā€ not ā€--------ā€

How can I use this lib inside another Ruby file, instead of having a separate input file?

require 'cl/casegen'


a: 1, 2
b: 3, 4

exclude a = 1


Are there other tools similar to CaseGen?
I'm no expert here, but I don't like to work on tools when better ones exist, so I'm collecting recommendations/references to other tools here.

BretPettichord mentioned tcases. At first glance, it appears to be a powerful tool.

tags: ComputersAndTechnology