
September 26, 2005
10 points to me for a great, obfuscated title - Eric Raymond
It's 2005, not 1985. We've learned a lot in the last 20 years. The fears that originally led to the reciprocity stuff in GPL are nowadays, at least in my opinion, baseless. People who do what the GPL tries to prevent (e.g., closed source forks of open source projects) wind up injuring only themselves. They trap themselves unto competing with a small in-house development group against the much larger one in the parent open source project, and failing.
We often hear that some 70 percent of web servers use Apache; what we don't hear is that a large fraction of those servers are using a nonfree modified version of Apache, as permitted by the Apache license.

If what you value is the popularity of your code, and such a thing happened to your program, you might consider it a good outcome. In the Free Software Movement, our goal is to bring freedom to computer users, and such an outcome for us would be a substantial setback. The GPL does good service in preventing this.

tags: ComputersAndTechnology